

Welcome to YourPodStore.com. Please read the following disclaimer carefully before using our website or purchasing our products.

  1. No Affiliation: YourPodStore.com is an independent online platform that is not affiliated with Printful.com.
  2. Separate Entities: We are a distinct entity offering our own range of products and services. Any similarities in services or products are coincidental.
  3. Products and Services: We provide all products and services offered on YourPodStore.com and are not associated with Printful.com or its offerings.
  4. Trademarks: Any trademarks, logos, or brand names used on YourPodStore.com that may resemble those of Printful.com are used for descriptive purposes only. They remain the property of their respective owners.
  5. Customer Support: For any inquiries, customer support issues, or complaints regarding YourPodStore.com, please contact us directly through our designated channels. We are solely responsible for addressing and resolving these matters.
  6. Legal Disclaimers: YourPodStore.com operates under its own legal terms and conditions, privacy policy, and refund policy. These terms are separate from those of Printful.com.

By using YourPodStore.com, you acknowledge and agree to these disclaimers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our relationship with Printful.com or any other matters, please contact us for clarification.

Thank you for visiting YourPodStore.com and for your understanding.

YourPodStore.com Color Disclaimer

At YourPodStore.com, we take pride in our advanced DTG (Direct-to-Garment) printing process that brings your designs to life on our high-quality products. While our technology is exceptional, it’s essential to understand that colour accuracy may vary when transitioning from digital design to physical product.

Factors Influencing Color Variation:

  1. Monitor Discrepancies: Colors on your computer monitor may appear different from the final printed product. Even with calibrated monitors, various factors can affect the perception of colours.
  2. Fabric Material and Garment Color: The fabric type and the garment’s colour significantly impact how colours appear. The same color value may look distinct when printed on 100% cotton versus a fabric blend and light-colored versus dark-colored garments.
  3. White Under-Base Layer: We apply a white under-base layer beneath prints on coloured garments to enhance vibrancy. This process can influence how colours look, creating variations even with the same colour value on different clothes.

Photographic Representations:

Photographs illustrating color variations on our website are informative but may not precisely represent the actual printed product’s appearance. These images serve as a guide, but individual monitors and viewing conditions can affect perceived colors.

Recommendations for Optimal Results:

To achieve the best outcome for your prints, consider the following:

  • Fabric and Garment Selection: Be mindful of the fabric material and garment color when choosing your design’s color values.
  • White Under Base: Understand that a white under base may influence color appearance, and designs may look different when printed with or without this layer.
  • Color Profile Settings: For compatibility with our printer color profiles, set the working space in Adobe Photoshop to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 for RGB in combination with PSO coated v3 for CMYK.

Please note that despite these recommendations, we cannot guarantee 100% color accuracy due to the inherent complexities of the printing process and the factors mentioned above.

For more insights into color matching for print-on-demand clothing, refer to our blog post on this subject. If you have specific concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to us at contact@yourpodstore.com.

Thank you for choosing YourPodStore.com. We appreciate your understanding of the nuances involved in achieving the perfect printed product.